- Exhibitors Introduction -


By Plane

Convenient and diversified access from all over the world.

Tokyo Big Sight offers smooth and diversified access not only from central Tokyo and all other regions of Japan, but from around the world as well. Tokyo Big Sight is close to major airports, only about 60 minutes from Narita International Airport and about 25 minutes from Haneda Airport (Tokyo International Airport) by airport bus. Furthermore, Haneda Airport, the gateway to the skies for Tokyo, is located just 30 minutes away from the city center by train. the airport's growing number of international flights are making Tokyo even much more convenient.

By Plane

Flight times to major cities from Tokyo International Airport

Seoul 1hr55min
Beijing 3hr05min
Shanghai 2hr30min
Hong Kong 4hr10min
Taipei 2hr40min
Singapore 6hr55min
Kuala Lumpur 7hr15min
Bangkok 6hr10min
London 11hr50min
Paris 12hr00min
New York 12hr50min

Note: The above times are estimates for one-way trips.
actual flight time may vary depending on the aircraft, weather, and season.
Source: Tokyo International Airport website

International Airport official Website

From Airport

From Narita Airport (Limousine Bus)

From Haneda Airport (Limousine Bus)

By Train

Rinkai Line Approx. 7 minutes' walk from Kokusai-Tenjijo Station

Yurikamome Approx. 3 minutes' walk from Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon Station

By Bus

Toei Bus

Km Flower Bus

Express Bus (Keihin Kyuko Bus)